Isono Revitalizing Offce / イソノ・リヴァイタライジング・オフィス
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* Please check the box if you can't use web conference such as Zoom or Skype. We will consider contacting you via telephone. For overseas customers, we will ask to use web conference as much as possible.
Isono Revitalizing Office (Hereinafter referred to as "this office".) has established the following privacy policy in order to properly handle personal information *1 in accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and "Guidelines on Personal Information Protection" (Hereinafter referred to as "statute".) in all of its business activities, including the website operated by this office, and will strive to protect personal information.
Notes*1 "Personal Information" as used herein means information about a living individual that can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in such information.
1. Acquisition of Personal Information
When this office acquires personal information in writing (including electronic methods), we shall clearly indicate the purpose of use of the personal information we acquire, except under the "statute".
2. Management of Personal Information
In order to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information held by this office, this office will take necessary and appropriate safety management measures and strive to improve them.
3. Restrictions on use of personal information
This office will not use the personal information it holds for any purpose other than the purpose of use, except under the "statute".
4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
This office will not provide the personal information it holds to a third party except under the "statute".
5. Disclosure, Correction, and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
This office will disclose, correct, or suspend the use of personal information about a person if the person makes a request for disclosure of the personal information it holds or if the person makes a request for correction or suspension of use of the personal information it discloses and when the request is found to have grounds.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at the following e-mail address.
Isono Revitalizing Office
Isono Revitalizing Office
#202, Nojiri 521, Ritto City, Shiga Pref. JPN 520-3027
TEL.+81 (0)77-515-2918
Isono Revitalizing Office Facebook
Isono Revitalizing Office Instagram
©2025 Isono Revitalizing Office